Sustainability Through Connectivity

Traffic Monitoring Operations Quality Fleets, Terminals Safety, Privacy Partners

Driver Assistance, Fleet Operations

Real Time Driver Assistance: Engaging drivers in persistently operating, using and acting on assistance from connected services in making trips safer with reduced fuel and emissions and as bigger contributors to supply chain efficiency requires that the services provide real time useful, safe guidance to the drivers. G4 Apps solutions provide beneficial services and are safe from algorithm design to driver interface to context awareness. Additionally G4 Apps designs all solutions to be robust delivering safe, valuable guidance to drivers even through momentary connection loss while also recognizing when not to use stale data or not disturb drivers when they are otherwise engaged.

Fleet Operations: Like others G4 Apps’ connected vehicle solutions monitor vehicle location and collect data regarding vehicle operation, but G4 Apps carries these further in terms of location accuracy, timeliness and reliability. Trucks whose drivers utilize G4 Apps driver assistance will arrive on time more often and provide up to the moment estimates of arrival time. Additionally G4 Apps fleet solutions provide fleet managers with per trip, per vehicle and fleet wide summaries of fuel savings and emissions reductions for use in establishing goals and communicating results in cost reduction and/or sustainability programs.

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